National Assembly Candidate Statement
“Dr. Confredo is someone committed to empowering those who have traditionally been marginalized and underrepresented in our field…For decades she has addressed issues of gender and ethnicity in instrumental music education in her writings and presentations. As SRME Chair, she spearheaded the creation of a SRIG in Social Justice (this group had their initial meeting last month at the Biennial), with two members of color leading. She also understands the importance of having Black and Latinx members around the table. Towards that end, Deb requested offering selected graduate students of color complementary conference registration for their participation in a panel discussion focused on the perspectives of graduate students of color on music education.”
— Dr. Carlos Abril, University of Miami; Co-Chair of the Music Teacher Profession Advisory Committee (NAfME)
“As a teacher, Deb is demanding but caring, with a deep knowledge of music teaching and band teaching. She has published materials to support band directors (Measures of Success band method series and The Complete Woodwind Instructor, as two examples of many) that are very successful and widely used. She is a fine conductor, successfully leading the PMEA All-State and an adult band/community ensemble at Temple that brought music-making to many people who might not have had the opportunity to make music otherwise…she is an educator who supports music learning for everyone…She has published an impressive body of research that has illuminated musical experience from the perspective of the student, the teacher, and the profession. She has also produced research that contributed to the understanding of musical responses, women in music, large and small ensembles, and many more important areas.
As a leader, Deb is passionate and thoughtful. As is well-known, the process of planning the 2020 NAfME conference represented many joys and challenges. Prior to the pandemic, Deb was diligent in representing her organization and constituents in every conversation about the conference. She is in frequent contact with decision-makers and her colleagues to inform her decisions and focus her energy.”
Dr. Linda Thornton, Pennsylvania State University; Past Chair of the Society for Music Teacher Education
“Throughout her career, Dr. Confredo has worked tirelessly both inside and outside the classroom to support the field of music education. In addition to having co-authored one of the most widely used band method textbooks in the field (Measures of Success, published by FJH Music), [she] has written numerous articles and facilitated many presentations on issues that are relevant to music education. In particular, she has used her platform to amplify the voices of those who have been marginalized because of their gender, race, age, or (dis)ability. Her work demonstrates a firm commitment to diversity, equity, access, and inclusion. ”
— Dr. Rollo Dilworth, Temple University; National Board Chair for Chorus of America
The sentiments expressed by the above colleagues do not represent a position or endorsement by any of their affiliate organizations.

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